7 Reasons to hire a Coach:

  1. You will get more FOCUS and free more time to do things that are meaningful 
  2. You will set the GOALS that motivate you
  3. You will develop more self-awareness that will help you to AVOID ERRORS of judgement
  4. You will MOVE FORWARD with your professional and personal life with more certainty
  5. You will work out your own AUTHENTIC way of resilience and problem solving
  6. You will discover how think POSITIVE and capitalize on your strengths
  7. You will gain more confidence and will be able to pursue new OPPORTUNITIES in personal and professional life


  1. How do I know I should work with a Coach?

Is something urgent at stake or has success become problematic? If you are feeling stuck, check here which type of assistance you may require.

2. What is coaching?

There are many definitions of coaching and the concept is generally linked to transformative change and achieving positive results through intentional changes in behaviour, thought or emotion. ICF defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. Coaches are trained to assist you to identify your aspirations and ways to achieve our goals by active listening, asking the right questions, at the right time, and helping people to find their own way through the complex environment surrounding them.

  1. What is the coaching process?

For successful coaching progress, the issues confronting you are identified in the initial pre-coaching meeting. This helps to establish the scope and desired outcomes of coaching sessions. Sessions run for approximately 60 minutes. Commitment for 3-8 sessions is recommended, depending on your need. A sense of progress and moving forward is often experienced after a couple of sessions.

  1. Is there a proof coaching works? 

Yes! According to the ICF Global Coaching Client Study, most clients reported improved work performance, better business management, more efficient time management, increased team effectiveness, and more growth and opportunities. According to the same report, the vast majority of companies (86 percent) say they at least made their investment back. In fact, almost one-fifth (19 percent) saw a ROI of 50 times their investment, while another 28 percent saw a ROI of 10 to 49 times the investment. Nearly all companies or individuals who hire a coach are satisfied. According to the ICF Global Coaching Client Study, a stunning 99 percent of people who were polled said they were somewhat or very satisfied with the overall coaching experience.

  1. Is coaching the same as counselling?

Coaching is not a therapy. If you need healing, are dealing with anxiety, traumatic events from the past or depression, speaking to a psychologist would be more appropriate. If you are seeking an export solution to a problem or advice on what you should do, you may need to seek a business consultant, personal trainer or mentor. See more explanation here.

  1. Is coaching confidential?

Absolutely! As an ICF Professional Certified Coach, I acknowledge and honor my ethical obligations to my coaching clients, colleagues and to the public at large. I pledge to comply with ICF Standards of Ethical Conduct, to treat people with dignity as free and equal human beings, and to model these standards with those whom I coach.

icflogocolor_200x93Read full text of the ICF Code of Ethics here