Strategy coaching for business owners and solopreneurs / Group and individual coaching for capability and confidence building


Strategy Coaching Program: 

Develop your business strategy to design your business model, define your customer base, identify strategic directions and plan implementation steps. To succeed in a current volatile environment, businesses need to be agile and adapt without compromising their value proposition and long-term success.

This coaching program will support you and keep you accountable to achieve your business goals. The coaching objectives of each business person may vary and need to be discussed prior to entering a coaching agreement with the Coach.

  • Format: Virtual online in real time or face-to-face
  • Duration: 2 hour sessions
  • Program duration: 3 sessions
  • For whom: Business owners, start-up entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, organisational leaders

What participants are saying”

“Elle was able to identify that we already have much knowledge in what we hope to achieve in the business in the coming years and gave us some great ideas on how to make that happen” 

To discuss your individual coaching needs, please contact us here

GROUP coaching 

The purpose of group coaching programs is to help members of the group to develop their capabilities in a specific area. Benefits of the group coaching include peer learning and collective wisdom, effective use of sponsoring organisation’s resources (lower price point per person), supporting on-the-job learning in the organisation or organisational change support. Duration of the group coaching program may vary depending on the topic and need to be discussed in more detail.

For more explanation regarding the differences between group and team coaching please read the Resources page: “What is the difference between Facilitation and Team Coaching?”

TEAM effectiveness coaching 

The purpose of team coaching is to help members of the team to improve their collective performance and how they work together, and develop their collective leadership.

Hawkins (2014) systemic 5 Disciplines and Clutterbuck’s (2007) team learning approach models are used.

To discuss coaching objectives for your team, please contact us.


People seek coaching when they get “stuck” in situations and need to find a solution or make a difficult decision.

Sometimes we just cannot see the way forward, and taking somebody else’s advice doesn’t feel right. When we work it out for ourselves we are likely to be more satisfied with the decision. My role as a Coach is to partner in a thought-provoking process with the client and enable them to find the solution or make a wise choice.

One of the coaching areas that I am passionate about is helping people to build career confidence and succeed.

Some people need to “catch” themselves in a vicious circle of negative thinking in order to identify and conquer the fears that are holding them back. Some need to overcome their anxiety to perform, from speaking up in meetings to achieving personal goals.  I use the strengths approach and work with a person’s thinking patterns. For me, it is really rewarding to see a transformative change in confidence which not only opens new opportunities but also improves personal wellbeing.

Why can’t we just do that for ourselves without a Coach? In most cases, this is because we do not have sufficient self-awareness or keep asking ourselves the same questions again and again, only cannot see the situation from a different  perspective. Or it takes too long to work things out.

Good thing is that there is a way of accelerating this process. Below is some more information on Group, Team and Individual coaching programs. Read more of client’s experiences or find more answers about how you can benefit from Coaching here.

Contact me for a complimentary 30 min session to discuss how you could benefit from coaching.

Specialised coaching programs: 

1) Personal strengths coaching: make your weaknesses irrelevant

This coaching program aims at identifying, defining and enhancing your personal character strengths.  The objective is to build your strengths awareness and recognition, and enable you to mobilize your inner strengths in challenging life and career situations.

The program is designed to assist individuals to acknowledge and apply their strengths, build resilience and empower themselves. The approach is informed by positive psychology and M. Seligman’s work on character strengths. Cross-disciplinary models and tools are used in sessions.

The Program package includes first 20 min introductory session, Strengths Assessment and six 1 hr sessions (recommended duration is 3 months). Total investment: from AU$800. Payment plan available.

For any inquiries about Strengths Coaching please click here 

2) Build your effective career brand

This coaching program will be beneficial for self-employed consultants, career minded individuals, managers stepping into leadership roles, artists, entrepreneurs, and all individuals who want to develop their sustainable public image, communicate it consistently in social media and be authentic in self-expression.

The key method of coaching is based on the Brand ID© model. The model is developed by Elle Taurins and is informed by principles of brand communication, positive psychology approaches such as appreciative inquiry, and supported by the author’s personal experience.

This coaching program gives individuals an opportunity to safely and confidentially explore their strengths and vulnerabilities, and dedication for their future Self.

The Program package includes six 1hr sessions and a complimentary first 1 hr session.

Elle Taurins is a Professional Certified Coach and a member of the International Coach Federation 

For any inquiries about coaching, please click here